The Institute of Pharmacy held the first lecture of the "Pfizer Lecture" series of lectures---Pharmaceutical Industry dynamic state and the Sharing of Talent Portraits in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Time:2020-04-07 Onclick:

On April 2, the Institute of Pharmacy held the first lecture of the "Pfizer Lectures" series of lectures --- Pharmaceutical Industry dynamic state and the Sharing of Talent Portraits in the Pharmaceutical Industry online. The sharing session was hosted by Chen Peng, the head of the Youth League Committee of the Institute of Pharmacy and the instructor of the class of 2018, and was delivered by Huang Wenqian, Pfizer's East Second China Recruitment Director. More than 100 students participated.

Huang Wenqian shared ideas from three aspects: an overview of China's pharmaceutical industry, a portrait of talents in the pharmaceutical industry, a description and analysis of corporate recruitment core positions, and a capability model. She briefly described the changes in China's pharmaceutical industry in recent years and summarized the current characteristics of China's pharmaceutical industry. Subsequently, based on the McKinsey's Pharmaceutical Industry Talent Report, the portraits of talents in the pharmaceutical industry were introduced, and the educational background, age distribution, working environment, living city and salary level of the pharmaceutical talents were introduced in detail. From the perspective of corporate recruitment, she analyzed the core positions and core competencies required by pharmaceutical companies to recruit.  At the end of the sharing session, Huang Wenqian answered the students' questions in detail.

This sharing session is the first lecture of the "Pfizer Lecture Hall" series of lectures, enabling students to have a clearer understanding of the pharmaceutical industry and its development prospects, and to have a clearer self-positioning, which lays the foundation for better career planning for students.

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